Questions and Answers

Q: Why do you have all program options together instead of separate programs?

A: By having all of the programs listed together, your name will be on more flyers/letters, thereby, you will have the possibility to receive more commission payments.

Here's an example: Lets say you joined on the $20 and $50 levels - Someone receives your mailing, joined on the $100 level and mailed out 1000 letters. You didn't receive a commission payment, but now you have an additional 1000 letters mailed with your name on them. Even though you didn't receive a $20 or $50 commission, now you have additional 1000 chances to receive commissions! You wouldn't have had those chances if the programs were separate.

Q: How do I know when people join my team?

A: When someone joins from your personal mailings, or joins from a person in your commission line, you will receive a copy of the flyer they sent in along with your payment.

Q: How do I know I will receive all payments that are due to me? How do I know I can trust you?

A: The simplest answer is to have someone you know join and you will see that you receive your payment from them.

WLP, Inc was established in March 1992 – We changed to WLP Companies, LLC in June 2013 – Over 30 years in business and we’re not going anywhere - We mail out ALL payments every Friday!

Q: If I send a money order or check, why only 1 money order or check to company instead of a money order to each member?

A: To remain active, members' renewal payments are due every 12 months – If a member fails to their make renewal payment, they become inactive, and any payments they receive goes to the downline member that referred them.

If the money order/check was made out in the inactive member's name, it couldn't be sent to the member that referred them, and that money order is pretty much void. If we just sent it back to the new member, they would have a very hard time trying to get their money back. It takes quite a bit of paperwork, and could take several months to do so. (We learned from experience).

That's why we purchase the money orders and make them payable to the correct members.

Q: How will I know when my renewal payment is due?

A: You will receive an invoice approximately 1 month before your renewal payment is due.

Q: What happens if you receive my renewal payment “after” the due date?

A: Renewal payments are due on the 1st of the due month, but we allow an additional 7 days before marking a member inactive.

If renewal payment is received by the 7th day of due month, all new commission payments are sent to the member. If renewal payment has not been received by the 7th day of due month, all new commission payments are sent to the downline member that referred them.

If renewal payment is received after 7 days late, member will be reactivated. Although the member will have lost commissions received prior to the late renewal, the member will begin to receive any additional commission payments.

Members are allowed to be late 2 times before being are purged from the system. If purged from the system, they would have to rejoin.

Q: Can I pay with credit card?

A: No, Sorry, we only accept money orders, check, cash, and crypto (USDC) – We recommend that you pay by money order or check, but we will accept cash. If paying with cash, for your own protection against loss in the mail, we suggest that you use Priority Mail so you will have a tracking number.

Q: What products will I receive for my money?

A: Everyone receives a welcome kit which include: Master copy of your camera-ready flyer/letter, Listing of some of the best list brokers, Sample Classified Ads, Sample Emails. You’ll also receive “Your Own Cash And Stamps Website” (no monthly hosting fees) that you can use to promote on the Internet.

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