Dealer/Member Agreement

As a dealer/member of the Cash And Stamps Program, I hereby represent, understand and agree that:

1. I am of legal age to enter into contracts in the state in which I am a resident.

2. The Cash And Stamps program - hereinafter referred to as CAS/or “Company”. The policies herein are applicable to all dealers/members of the company. Your signature below affirms that you have read and agree to this page and The Terms and Conditions page on our website at:, or in our informational materials.

3. In order to maintain a viable marketing program and to comply with any changes to Federal, State and Local laws, the company may revise its Terms and Conditions at any time. The revised terms and conditions will be posted on the company website at:


4. I am an independent contractor responsible for my own business. I am not an employee of CAS, but an independent contractor. I will receive no salary from CAS shall have no power of authority other than as expressly granted herein. It is my sole responsibility to pay self-employment, local, state and federal income taxes as required by law and to provide workers compensation or any other insurance if required by law. CAS will not withhold any taxes from my compensation.

5. The CAS dealer/member program is built upon retail sales to the ultimate consumer. As a dealer/member, you shall maintain all licenses and/or registrations as are required by any applicable authority for dealer's activities as a CAS dealer/member.

6. I agree to safeguard the reputation of the products and services of CAS and shall refrain from any and all conduct which might be detrimental to the reputation of the company or to the marketing of its products and services.

7. This agreement is not intended and shall not be construed to create a relationship of employer-employee, agency, partnership, or joint venture between any dealer/member, referring dealer/member and/or CAS.

8. I understand that I can not use the name “Cash And Stamps” or use the Cash And Stamps Trademarks or Logos in advertising, or in my business name without prior written approval from the Cash And Stamps program.

9. If placing advertising online, or through emails, you must NOT use your Cash And Stamps website address. You must use your own domain name or use a redirect service like “TinyUrl.Com”. If you use your Stamps And Cash website URL in emails or online advertising, your dealership/membership could be terminated!

10. I understand that ALL SALES are final and that there is a NO REFUND policy. I understand that the No Refund Policy is also in effect for any marketing tools or materials, including the company co-op services. If paid with a credit card, you agree that you will NOT issue a “charge back” with your credit card company.

11. I understand that the Cash And Stamps program has a ZERO TOLERANCE SPAM POLICY and failure to comply with this policy could result in the immediate termination of my dealership/membership. I further understand that if terminated due to spam, I will no longer be eligible to receive any future compensation and will not be eligible for a refund.

12. The company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate any dealer/member whom it considers to have business ethics that are questionable or damaging to the Cash And Stamps program.

13. No representation has been made by the company, or by any employee or agent as to the future or past income, expenses or profitability of becoming a dealer/member.

14. I understand and affirm that there has been no guarantee of income, no assurance of profit or success, and no warranties or guarantees, either oral or written were made to me.

15. Dealers/Members may not quote incomes of other dealers/members in order to induce or persuade a prospect to become a dealer/member.

16. Only one dealership/membership per individual is allowed. You may however refer a “Business Entity” that you own if that business has a separate tax ID number. You are also allowed to refer other people in your household if they are of legal age.

17. You do not have to be a dealer/member to purchase products and/or services from the Stamps And Cash program. Non dealers/members may purchase products/services offered by CAS at regular retail prices, but are not qualified to receive any commission payments

18. A dealership/membership may be transferred by will or assignment to heirs or immediate family members with written approval from the company.

19. This agreement, the terms and conditions displayed on our website at:, and in the informational material, along with all ancillary agreements constitute the entire agreement between the parties and there are no other oral or written understandings or agreements between the Stamps And Cash program and any dealer/member.

20. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Louisiana and all claims, disputes and other matters between the parties of this agreement shall be brought in Livingston Parish Court, in Livingston, Louisiana.

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